
The ProtoMS program is developed and maintained by Prof. J. Essex group.

To ask any questions related to current development of ProtoMS or usage problems, please send an email or raise an issue on the Bitbucket page.

Follow us on Twitter to keep updated with any news related to ProtoMS: @protoms_mc

The main people involved in the development of ProtoMS up to version three have been C. J. Woods, J. Michel, M. Bodnarchuk, S. Genheden, R. Bradshaw, G. A. Ross, C. Cave-Ayland, H Bruce-Macdonald, A. I. Cabedo Martinez, M. Samways and J. Graham.

To cite the latest version of ProtoMS please use:

C J Woods, J Michel, M Bodnarchuk, S Genheden, R Bradshaw, G A Ross, C Cave-Ayland, H Bruce-Macdonald, A I Cabedo Martinez, M Samways and J Graham (2018) ProtoMS 3.4.

Current version of ProtoMS 3.4.0